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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Opportunity Assessment Framework

There is a need to effectively assess opportunities so that they can be managed effectively, in order to do that we had to often classify an opportunity into three categories.

1. Company Business Goals - This is a category that evaluates if the opportunity builds brand awareness, increases revenues, lower operational investments or helps us in cross selling across the divisions
2. Impact on the Client & the Software/Services Industry : It usually covers factors associated with customer satisfaction and our industry standing to increase our market share
3. Competitive Stance : This evaluates if this opportunity is a medium for us to enter the market/leapfrog/or attain par with competition. A second point should assess the window of the opportunity that is available for us to exploit 

With all this you could also add framework aspects which contribute towards customer loyalty, Supply or demand constraints, your team's delivery record, or any other aspect that you may find useful to your particular organization.

 If you want some perspective on how you or your company needs to enhance their Sales/Client Management Capabilities, please email me at shubhanjan.saha@gmail.com

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