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Monday, October 3, 2011

Acquisition Plan Document

You can use an Acquisition Plan Document when managing software projects that involve acquiring software and bringing products and services in-house. An Acquisition Plan also help you plan how you to take possession of a business, service or software that you plan to acquire, for example, during a merge or when partnering with another software company.
Use this Acquisition Plan to:
  • Manage the acquisition of hardware, software, and services
  • Define key acquisition dates; identify hardware and software specifications
  • Prepare an approach to contract management
  • Ensure the availability of funding; provide Evaluation personnel with data for evaluating proposals
  • Ensure that vendors have adequate data for preparing bids
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Background
1.3 Scope
1.4 Acquisition Plan Thresholds
1.5 Assumptions
1.6 Constraints
2 Procurement Approach
2.1 Acquisition Strategy
2.1.1 Approach to Sourcing
2.1.2 Acquisition Method
2.1.3 Regulations
2.1.4 Funding
2.1.5 Lead Time
2.1.6 Consideration
2.1.7 Sources
2.2 Evaluation and Award
2.3 Procurement Activities Key Dates
2.3 Support Services
2.5 Site Preparation
3 Software Specifications
3.1 Required Capabilities
3.2 Capacity
3.3 Documentation
3.4 Maintenance Features
3.5 Sources
3.6 Impact
4 Contact Management
4.1 Vendor Orientation
4.2 Change Management
4.3 Deliverables Management
4.3 Invoice Management
4.5 Dispute Resolution
4.6 Contract Closeout
4.7 Tools
5 Appendix A
5.1 Glossary Of Terms
5.2 Acronyms And Abbreviations

If you want some perspective on how you or your company needs to enhance their Sales/Client Management Capabilities, please email me (Shubhanjan Saha) at shubhanjan.saha@gmail.com

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