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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Software Demonstration Stages (Terms)

Although this is something that appears to quite a basic accepted practice across all software & service companies, but I am just mentioning this since I found out that a ot of Sales reps are not aware of this so let's get that cleared !

The way we see it, there are three categories or levels of demos (or "software experiences" that go by the name of demo):

Stage 1: The overview : This is the stage where you educate the prospect by providing him with information about what your company does and and what your software or service solves. The delivery mechanism usually involves power-point presentation and videos. Here your prospects don't actually operate the software — they just watch it !!

Stage 2: The Details : This stage involves in showing your prospect detailed functionality of your software. This is sometimes unguided (e.g., you let the user download a sample or presentation), and this is sometimes carefully scripted and managed (e.g., an in-person or Web-based step-by-step walk-through of your product).

Stage 3: The Trial Version (Optional) : Now some companies may offer this sort, where a sample version is released or a standardized version is released to the prospect so that they might experience, The client usually pays for the consulting and installation, However you may want to forgo the license fees in anticipation of a larger roll-out. Usually this is the the stage where your company plays the coach 

If you want some perspective on how you or your company needs to enhance their Sales/Client Management Capabilities, please email me at shubhanjan.saha@gmail.com

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Due Diligence Analysis Model

Before any sale, we should ensure that steps should be taken to secure the best value in any deal. This is a vital element before contemplating any transaction. We usually tend to use very basic due diligence models which allow us to assess the potential clients in terms of their financial health and how they may contribute towards our growth

Usually while designing a Due Diligence scorecard we take into account the following factors
1. Financial Performance
2. Brand Value
3. Business Conditions
4. Prospects for the Future
5. Client Organization
6. Competitive Environment
7. Quality of Assets
8. Structure of purchase transaction
9. Other Critical Risks

These 9 factors can be subdivided into many more factors which can be assigned specific weight-ages which would contribute to the final rating that can be assigned to the client

All this is based upon financial & Legal documentation, Insurance Policies,Research, Press Releases, Intellectual properties & Strategic Agreements

If you want some perspective on how you or your company needs to enhance their Sales/Client Management Capabilities, please email me at shubhanjan.saha@gmail.com