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Monday, October 3, 2011

Business Rule document

You can use a Business Rule document to define specific aspects of your business. Business rules clarify the appropriate action that needs to be taken and removes any ambiguity regarding the correct course of action that must be followed. Business rules describe how company policies or practices apply to a specific business activity. As you model your business processes, you can capture business rules as separate elements and weave them into your process flows.
Business Rules : Key Benefits
A Business Rules is a set of activities designed to produce a specific output. It is used to capture the specific ordering of work activities, including inputs, outputs, triggers and actions.
Business Rules will help you to:
  • Automate complex decision-making processes; reduce the likelihood of human error
  • Capture business logic so it can be modified after deployment if you need to adapt your business processes
  • Enforce company business policies
  • Ensure regulatory compliance
  • Once you have defined a set of business rules, you can reuse them in other processes.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
1.4 References
1.5 Overview
2 Business Rule #1
2.1 Business rule name #
2.2 Business rule name #
3 Business Rule #2
3.1 Business rule name ##
3.2 Business rule name ##
4. Group of Business Rules
4.1 Group of business rules #1
4.2 Group of business rules #2
5. Appendix

If you want some perspective on how you or your company needs to enhance their Sales/Client Management Capabilities, please email me (Shubhanjan Saha) at shubhanjan.saha@gmail.com

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